The use of videos in higher education has many advantages. Videos engage students on multiple levels, enabling them to see and hear concepts that might otherwise be inaccessible. They are flexible enough to be watched on a variety of devices, and they can be reviewed as many times as necessary. Moreover, they do not present the same safety risks as live classroom demonstrations. And they’re not expensive either. This article outlines some of the benefits of using videos in higher education.
For example, in a flipped classroom, students watch educational videos as homework instead of attending class. Khan describes this model as a significant departure from the conventional classroom model in which students move on regardless of their understanding of a concept. In addition, this model leads to a Swiss-cheese structure of knowledge, weakening the entire knowledge-formation structure. Besides, educational videos also allow students to produce their own educational material, which is an added benefit.
Another significant benefit of video-assisted learning in higher education is that it is easier to update videos. Students can watch recorded lectures that last one hour. Additionally, students can ask the facilitator questions during these lectures. And teachers can use this method to reduce student social presence and self-presentation anxiety. However, videos need to be used wisely. A teacher must also consider all of these factors when choosing the video format.
In addition to these benefits, video-assisted learning in higher education can improve learning by improving students’ engagement levels. In fact, studies have shown that the use of video can reduce the amount of extraneous information students receive. The videos can be made shorter, and “click-forward” pauses can be included in the videos. YouTube Annotate and HapYak can be used to prompt students to click forward when they finish watching.
VAL can benefit students with varying needs. For example, a child with ADHD may be more likely to respond negatively to video material than to classroom lessons. It’s also important to consider age-appropriate material, and the casting of different characters to avoid excluding a particular group of students. In addition, the use of videos should be complemented by actionable activities. Further, video-assisted learning is also helpful in building an inclusive classroom, which is increasingly important in modern classrooms.
Increasing access to videos on the Internet also has positive effects for campus recruiting. Students may not be able to access videos from their mobile devices, so they may find themselves at a disadvantage. Hence, videos must be available on computers, so students can access them easily. Ultimately, video-assisted learning in higher education improves student engagement and retention. It also helps organizations stay relevant. While the video content can be useful in a variety of settings, it can also be integrated into the curriculum of an online university.
Besides enhancing learning outcomes, video-assisted learning is also helpful for fostering critical thinking and developing elastic thinking. The visual elements of video learning can hold students’ attention for the duration of the entire class, especially when combined with audio description. Video-assisted learning also develops collaborative working, engagement, and complex problem-solving skills. And because of its flexibility, video-assisted learning is also beneficial for student retention.