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Online courses designed for creatives and made for everyone. Take a course on Code, Design or Project Management anyone just looking to learn.
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It’s so simple, yet the rewards wonderful. I am a novice in programming, but thanks to Courselog, no more.”

Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, you are free to choose the topic you wish to teach. Coursera.one reserves the right to refuse any topic or content whatsoever.
Upon submission of your course, Coursera.one will review, approve, and post the course on our learning platform.
Yes. Courses must have at least 25 pages or at 10,000 words count of lectures or learning modules. Video content is not required, but strongly encouraged.
You are required to complete the above form, on this page, to get started with your course.
The instructor receives forty percent (40%) from the sale of his/her course. Instructors are responsible for paying their own taxes.
Instructors receive payment through PayPal. Instructors will connect a PayPal email to their Coursera account.
There is no fee whatsoever to be an instructor on Coursera.one.
No. You retain all the rights to your content. You simply grant us a license to host and advertise your course and make it available to our users.