Adaptive physical education is an art and a science. It is carefully designed to meet the specific needs of students with physical disabilities. Many of these children have special physical needs, such as low body weight and limited range of motion. Adaptive physical education is designed to fit their physical capabilities, and may even be appropriate for people who have never been active. Listed below are some of the benefits of adaptive physical education for children with special needs.
In order to receive adapted physical education certification, teachers must complete the APENS examination. The exam consists of 100 multiple-choice questions and takes approximately three hours to complete. Passing the exam will qualify the teacher for the initials CAPE in the name of their school. There are several resources online for modifying physical education lessons. Adaptive PE videos provide an introduction to the process. APE videos can also be used at home to teach APE.
In addition to helping students with physical disabilities to participate in sports, adapted physical education should help them achieve their physical goals and become physically active. Adapted physical education programs aim to maximize the participation of students with disabilities while ensuring their integration into the regular education program. Adaptive physical education programs can also be beneficial for self-esteem, socialization, and sportsmanship. These benefits are just a few of the many benefits of adapted physical education.
Adaptive physical education is an important component of individualized education plans. It uses specially designed activities to help students with disabilities develop fundamental motor skills, such as balance and coordination, as well as physical fitness. In addition, it teaches students with disabilities how to enjoy physical activity while enhancing their general education skills. Adapted PE teachers also have specific certification in this area. Adapted PE teachers use differentiated instructional techniques and visual materials to help students improve movement performance.
Educators can incorporate strategies to help students with autism to participate in physical education. Task sheets are a helpful way to provide a progression of activities and to assess each student’s skills. Students can then turn in these task sheets at the end of each class to reflect on their own progress and acknowledge areas for improvement. There are many different strategies for integrating students with disabilities into physical education. Just as in regular physical education classes, students with autism can participate in adapted physical education programs.
Adaptive sports instructors can set up modified volleyball courts to accommodate children with different levels of physical disability. For example, a visually impaired student can serve the ball four feet ahead of the serving line. Other adaptations include modifying standard gym equipment to accommodate the child with special needs. For example, a large bright orange ball can be used for a visually impaired child during a game of kickball. This way, adapted physical education can accommodate all types of students.
Adaptive physical education requires qualified instructors to administer physical education instruction. Qualified physical education instructors create individualized education plans and monitor their students to ensure goals are met. The physical education instructor may also include occupational or physical therapy. If the child needs therapy, it must relate to the goals set out in the child’s Individualized Education Program (IEP).